For the Price you can not beat this laser!!! My guess is you already have the laser but have heard through the social media sphere about ways to align your stock with the laser. In other words how to laser your design on to your material exactly where it is meant to be.
There are many different ways to do this. Ideally you will have a square piece of wood which makes it easy. Sometimes that is all you need and you can guess where the image is going to go when you frame out your design using Lightburn.
Well sometimes this is just not enough!!! I want it more perfect!! So most people venture into creating a laser grid system by having a waste board (scrap piece of wood that you lay down so that when you burn and accidently go beyond your stock piece you will not burn into your table)
Again this is great when you have a square piece of wood you are trying to laser on to. So here comes the question..... what do I do when I have a coaster or a four leaf clover that I want to put a design onto. I can try and align it with some luck but as we all know we will fail to put it perfectly where we want it.
That is when I had a great idea. I know that the big CO2 lasers use cameras to align the design perfectly so I wanted to see if I can make a mount for the lightburn camera that LightBurn offers. I was worried that I would not be able to make it work and I would be out $80. With the Ortur Master 2 being $260 I had reservations.
I was already super happy with the Ortur Master 1 and Master2 so I made the plunge and I have not looked back. When I got the camera my next task was to create a mount so that I could actually use the camera and keep the machine mobile. Once it was created I had to calibrate the camera using the Lightburn software you can use the video below
Once you have it calibrated which can require patience you are good to go and you too will never look back. In my opinion the camera is a must have!! It saves time and material! I will never use a laser again without the camera period! Now I came out with version 2 of this mount which makes it more sturdy and easier to setup! The Instagram Live post to the right shows the difference!
Version 2 comes with t-nuts!! Just pop in the camera and pop it on to your machine!!
Click the button below to either see my Etsy shop or to purchase the Ortur Laser Master 2 Lightburn Camera Mount! If you ever need help just email me and I will be happy to help!!